We believe thoughtful care and support is always the best course of action to ensure recovery, protect morale, and motivate a return to work. Quality, screened medical providers and close medical oversight provide superb care, which ultimately serves both injured workers and employers. Our custom claims kit is designed to address the specific needs of your state, streamlining the process and enhancing efficiency. By tailoring our approach, we ensure that every claim is managed with precision and care, aligning with local regulations and best practices.
Explore Claims KitAccess to 24/7 nurse triage ensures injured workers receive the proper level of care immediately. Employees benefit from compassionate adjusters who are accessible, guiding the process toward a prompt recovery and safe return to work.
Claims involve both employers and injured workers. We understand that every claim and impacted person requires different levels of care and create a specialized approach to each individual. At a high level, our claims process follows a thoughtful progression of providing immediate support for the injured worker, quality care, and personalized planning:
We understand workplace injuries are stressful and have created a process that supports the injured worker and company immediately. If an injury is life or limb threatening, seek emergency care. When an injury is less severe, we have nurse triage specialists standing by to assist with employee care. Contact our Nurse Triage at (833) 969-1237.
We take injuries very seriously and place a high priority on fast and personalized support to care for the employee and develop a plan for healing and return to work. Injured employees will have a team of specialists assigned to customize and oversee treatment for an optimized outcome.
Returning to work is often a very important part of the healing process and we work directly with the company to identify roles with modified duties to help people reestablish a routine and improve employee morale.
Each instance of employee injury is unique and deserves personalized support. We guide both the employee and company through a comprehensive treatment plan, providing guidance throughout the ongoing treatment process and claims resolution.